Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Matchbox Chest of Drawers

Matchbox Chest of Drawers

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

These little matchbox chest of drawers are great for keeping small treasures in or as storage for stamps, buttons or even bugs (for all the boys out there!)

You will need:

3 matchboxes (empty)
Patterned paper or plain paper, decorated
PVA glue
Flexible tape measure or string
Craft knife or bradawl
3 split pins (paper fasteners or brads)
Extra decorations (optional)
Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

What to do

1. Glue the 3 matchboxes on top of each other, making sure all the sides match up evenly. Leave to dry.

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

2. Using a flexible tape measure (or a length of string), measure the length (from front of the drawer to the back) of a matchbox and then measure all the way around the sides of the 3 boxes.

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

3. Using these measurements cut a strip of patterned paper (or you can use plain paper and decorate it).

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

4. Spread PVA glue on the back of the paper and starting at the middle base of the bottom matchbox, wrap the paper around, joining up again at the base. Add any extra decorations (optional).

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

5. Take out the drawers and using the tip of a craft knife or bradawl, carefully cut a small hole in the centre of each drawer front and add a split pin (brad/paper fastener). Add any extra decorations (optional).

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

6. Slide the drawers back in making sure they are the correct way up.

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

7. Your mini chest of drawers are now ready.

Things to make and do - Matchbox Chest of Drawers

CREDIT:  Things To Make And Do

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