Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mod Podge Coaster Tutorial

DIY Mod Podge Coaster Tutorial
1. Purchase some tiles. I bought six of the cheapest tiles I could find in glossy white; it was under $2.
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
2. Trace your tiles onto your paper. I used these cute matryoshka and owl wrapping papers I found at the art supply store, but you can use any paper other than something printed on your inkjet printer (it will get all smeary):
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
3. Cut out the squares with an exacto knife – about 1/8″ to 1/4″ smaller then your square on each side – depending on how much tile you’d like to see as a border:
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
4. Apply a light coat of Mod Podge to each tile with a sponge brush, then center your paper on top. (Work on one tile at a time.) Use your fingers to press the paper nice and flat. Don’t lift it up once you get it on or it will rip and become a big ol’ mess. Let the tiles dry for 20 minutes.
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
5. While they are drying, cut out six squares of felt for the bottom of your coasters:
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
6. With your sponge brush, apply another light coat of mod podge to each tile. Let the coat dry for twenty minutes. Repeat this process five or six times.
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
7. When your tiles are dry, turn them over and glue the felt squares to the back.  I used rubber cement, but I think tacky glue would work too.  You could also use cork or those felt dots that normally go on the bottom of furniture legs.
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
Note: You can use your coasters the next day but don’t put anything HOT on them for a month – that’s how long it takes the mod podge to fully cure.  If you apply a sealant you can use them sooner, as per the directions on the sealant. (I used Polyurethane Spray.)
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial
You’re done! Drink up!
DIY Mod Podge Tile Coaster Tutorial

CREDIT:  Hostess With The Mostess

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